日付 | 2008/12/01 |
ID | 08-077 |
バージョン | 11.0 |
プラットフォーム | Mac / Win |
C_TEXT($vName;$vresult) C_Pointer($name_p) BEGIN SQL /*This is a comment*/ SELECT /* This is the Field*/names FROM /*This is the Table*/test WHERE /*This is the variable*/names =:$name_p INTO :/*result*/$vresult /*End*/ END SQL
C_TEXT(statement) statement:="/*This is a comment*/ " statement:=statement + "SELECT/* This is the Field*/names " statement:=statement + "FROM/*This is the Table*/test " statement:=statement + "WHERE /*This is the variable*/names =:$name_p " statement:=statement + "INTO/*This is the result*/ :$vresult " statement:=statement + " /*End*/" BEGIN SQL execute immediate :statement; END SQL